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•100% Authentic VHS cassette tape
polypropylene casing, magnetic mylar ribbon
•Original Sleeve Art printed back in the day
•1x1 Dust Protection Case (20cm, 12cm, 3cm)
•UK Pal Format Recording Standard 625 Lines
•3x Layer Protective Packaging chip proofing, shatter proofing, Waterproofing postage solution
Our Parcels are Strong. Your vhs tapes are at the heart of a THREE LAYER protective packaging. There will be no damage in the post. Items are very safe in transit.
POSTAGE TIMES: All VHS Video orders made between 1st and 15th of each month will be delivered between the 25th-27th of the same month they are ordered on.
All orders made between 16th of the month and the last day of the month will be delivered between 10th-12th of the following month.
This makes dispatch time approximately 1-2 weeks depending on when order is placed.

Giving even one VHS a new home or passing it on as a retro gift to others, will help prevent it from ever going in a landfill. (Toxic metals from the film reels will break down over time and can make their way into the earth, disrupting the eco system, maybe even affecting our water supply). We are dedicated here at Golden Class Movies LTD to providing new homes for old movies, and saving as many video cassettes as humanly possible. Keeping videos out of land fills & oceans means we can keep our planet cleaner longer, as a result it will be more hospitable to life forms for longer. In over four years we have never thrown away a video cassette tape, and we never will.

Often Times Added Bonuses are included in our orders. These vary in form and vary from purchase to purchase too.