Sam Raimi to Direct First Horror Film in 15 Yea...
Sam Raimi to Direct First Horror Film in 15 Years: Title and Story Unveiled Summary Celebrated director Sam Raimi is making a grand return to horror with his new film,...
Sam Raimi to Direct First Horror Film in 15 Yea...
Sam Raimi to Direct First Horror Film in 15 Years: Title and Story Unveiled Summary Celebrated director Sam Raimi is making a grand return to horror with his new film,...
Final Destination 6 Casts DC TV and Chucky Star...
Final Destination 6 Casts DC TV and Chucky Stars, Along with Seven Others Summary Final Destination: Bloodlines announces its main cast as production begins in Vancouver. Brec Bassinger, Teo Briones,...
Final Destination 6 Casts DC TV and Chucky Star...
Final Destination 6 Casts DC TV and Chucky Stars, Along with Seven Others Summary Final Destination: Bloodlines announces its main cast as production begins in Vancouver. Brec Bassinger, Teo Briones,...
Street Fighter Reboot Movie Slated for 2026 Rel...
Street Fighter Reboot Movie Slated for 2026 Release Despite Director Exit Despite losing its directors, the highly anticipated Street Fighter reboot movie is set to hit theaters in 2026. The...
Street Fighter Reboot Movie Slated for 2026 Rel...
Street Fighter Reboot Movie Slated for 2026 Release Despite Director Exit Despite losing its directors, the highly anticipated Street Fighter reboot movie is set to hit theaters in 2026. The...
Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Script Nears Complet...
Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Script Nears Completion, Says Producer Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is progressing, with producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealing that the script is expected to be completed...
Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Script Nears Complet...
Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Script Nears Completion, Says Producer Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is progressing, with producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealing that the script is expected to be completed...
Shrek 5 and Donkey Spinoff in Development, Eddi...
Shrek 5 and Donkey Spinoff in Development, Eddie Murphy Confirms Shrek 5 and a Donkey spinoff are in the works, with Shrek 5 already in production for several months. Eddie...
Shrek 5 and Donkey Spinoff in Development, Eddi...
Shrek 5 and Donkey Spinoff in Development, Eddie Murphy Confirms Shrek 5 and a Donkey spinoff are in the works, with Shrek 5 already in production for several months. Eddie...
Jurassic World 4 with Scarlett Johansson
Jurassic World 4's Story Faces Familiar Challenges Jurassic World 4's rumored storyline echoes the franchise's long-standing struggle to innovate. Universal has fast-tracked the film for a July 2, 2025 release,...
Jurassic World 4 with Scarlett Johansson
Jurassic World 4's Story Faces Familiar Challenges Jurassic World 4's rumored storyline echoes the franchise's long-standing struggle to innovate. Universal has fast-tracked the film for a July 2, 2025 release,...